The Implication of social economic forces on the use of modern strategy on the delivery of housing are wide and far reaching. The deficit in housing has put many citizens in an uncomfortable situation of either paying so much for accommodation or not having a decent accommodation at all. However, the constraint in using modern strategy on housing delivery are still experienced in the Nigerian society which can be regarded as a social and economic problem in the country. On the other hand, government policy, lack of proper planning and involvement of professionals in the use of modern strategies such as production of housing at lower cost, land reform and building codes, acceleration of innovative design during construction, prevention of displacement by revitalizing neighbourhood etc. can change and bring about sustainable housing delivery in the country. As illustrated under the section of discussion government policy, planning etc. are the factors hindering the use of modern strategy in the housing. However, the Nigerian government may attract foreign and private investors such as NGOs, World Bank and creative financing to fund the use of modern strategies on housing delivery to reduce cost of capital and make it easier for all categories towards the use of innovative system of housing delivery.

Apart from being one of the items that absorb a large portion of household expenses, housing plays a special role in the social, political and economic discourse of most societies (Brickstone, 2024).

Housing shortage is one of the most serious developmental challenges presently confronting Nigeria. Stakeholders and industry operatives in building technology are unanimous in their opinion that the process of housing delivery in Nigeria needs a change of strategy. In this study, the researcher is examining modern ways that could be explored to meet the nation’s housing deficit, which stands around 17million units (Akeju, 2012).

Although Nigeria with the total population of 195.8 million people (Temi Oni-Jimoh & Gerges, 2018) has been identified as the largest market in Africa for everything, including real estate, growing demand for decent shelter has continued to meet leaner supply of housing units. Over the years, between 2000 and 2004 the Federal Government established the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development. During this period, the federal government only concerned itself with the provision of basic infrastructures leaving the provision of affordable housing delivery to the private sector, In 2004, the Federal Government declared its willingness to adequately fund researches that have to do with the use of local materials in the housing sector with a target of 40,000 housing units of at least 1000 houses per state before the year 2007 (Jinadu, 2007), (Abdullahi, 2010) with the assistance of the Nigeria Building and Road Research Institute, successive governments in Nigeria as discussed in the literature review had thought of policies in a bid to achieve its mass housing objective but due to lack of reasonable commitment to it, achieving the goal has remained elusive (Federal Government of Nigeria, 2013).

Experts who gave analytical insight into the problem of housing delivery in Nigeria called for a declaration of a state of emergency in the housing sector, saying innovative thinking and modern strategies could bring about better outcomes that will enhance housing delivery process in the country. It is a known fact that financing of housing projects remained one of the biggest problems in the sector that is against housing delivery. (Akeju, 2012)believes the major issue in housing delivery is funding, getting appropriate funding. There is money flowing everywhere but the right type money needed for long-term project like housing is not available. Something that can really work for affordable housing can be like what the Federal Mortgage Bank offers which cannot go around.

Modern strategy such as Preserve Unsubsidized Affordable Housing and Protect against Displacement, Prevent Displacement from Revitalizing Neighbourhoods, Expand Assistance for People at the Bottom of the Income Ladder in housing delivery in Nigeria will reiterates the government’s priority to tackle overcrowding and the ambitious target to reduce severe overcrowding in rented housing. Alongside making funding available for larger homes, with at least higher number of bedrooms, and a long-term commitment to deliver the family sized affordable homes should be identified in a strategic plan for housing delivery.

There are many strategies needed to facilitate massive housing delivery in Nigeria some are; modern and technologically inspired large scale housing schemes and sites with thousands of housing units which could play a significant role in the delivery of the large number of houses Nigerians need. The experience of the last 20 years suggests that the level of demand for new homes over the next decade will not be met by little incremental developments.

In Nigeria today, there is a shortage of housing for low-income earners and constantly growing housing demands (due to increase in population) that are not met (Temi Oni-Jimoh & Gerges, 2018). Unfortunately, banks are reluctant to provide mortgage facilities to low- income earners. To solve the housing/mortgage challenges faced by the Nigeria populace, the Nigerian Mortgage Refinance Company (NMRC) was established to promote home ownership and increase the availability and affordability of mortgage loans to Nigerians. Despite the incorporation of NMRC in 2013, not much has changed. The apathy of banks towards mortgage transactions still lingers, understandably, because of the risk of default.

The problem of housing delivery is of great concern in many countries. This problem is especially prominent in Nigeria. The challenge has been magnified because of a countless number of issues, not least, a high population growth rate, shortage of necessary skills and disintegrated supply chain. There is need for Nigerian government and stakeholders in the building industry to rise to housing needs of Nigerians in quality and quantity. Some researchers have advocated other modern methods of construction like dry construction as strategy to mass housing delivery. However, the researcher is examining how modern strategies such as Preserve Unsubsidized Affordable Housing and Protect against Displacement, Prevent Displacement from Revitalizing Neighbourhoods, Expand Assistance for People at the Bottom of the Income Ladder can be used to ensure that the housing needs in Nigeria are met.

The aim of this research is to understand the concept of modern strategies in housing delivery by the workers of the Sokoto state ministry of housing and environment.

The objectives are;

• To examine the modern strategies that can be used for effective housing delivery.

• To determine the effect of modern strategies on housing delivery in Sokoto state, Nigeria.

The research question is;

What are the factors hindering the use of modern strategies in housing delivery in Sokoto state Nigeria?

The following are the significance of this study:

Outcome of this study will educate stakeholders in the building industry, government and policy makers on the modern strategies that can be used to solve the problems of housing deficit in Sokoto state, Nigeria.

This study on assessment of modern strategies on housing delivery in Sokoto state, Nigeria will cover all the effort and approaches of past and present government of Nigeria in Sokoto state in tackling the problem of housing deficit in Nigeria. With special reference to the ministry of housing and environment in Sokoto state, it will also cover the new approaches and strategies that can be used for mass housing development in the state.

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Size: 50 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Delivery: Within 30Mins.


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