The study was conducted in the pastoralist communities of Calabar South LGA within five randomly selected homes. The study population was children from the selected 5 homes in the study site. A total sample of 818 children were involved in the study. General information on the family characteristic of the child was collected through house to house visit and Anthropometric measurements (weight and height) was done for all children included in the study. Nutritional status of children and associated factors were assessed. Stunting was found to be highest form of malnutrition in which 292(35.8%) of them were stunted from this 159(19.5%) of them were severely stunted. From the total participants of 816 children 75(9.2%) of them were wasted. Regarding Weight for Age which is an indicator of Underweight, 95(11.6%) of them were underweighted and 32(3.2%) of them were severely underweight. Income was the variable that was found to have statistically significant association with all types of nutritional problems. Breast feeding status was the predictor for both stunting and wasting. Education status of mother, breast feeding, febrile disease and income were the determinants of stunting. According to this study, stunting accounts the highest number among all nutritional problems. This could be due to long term food insecurity, insufficient dietary intake, infections and poor feeding practice. So, governmental and nongovernmental organizations should have to work hard to tackle this problem and to bring solution.

1.1 Background of study
Nutrition is essential for life. Growth and development of an individual is determined by the quality of food consumed. The nutritional status of any person is dictated by the quality and quantity of nutrients absorbed and the body’s ability to use them for its metabolic needs. People who have a good nutritional status have no malnutrition. Malnutrition is the condition that occurs when the body is not getting the right amount of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, required to maintain healthy functioning of tissues, organs and the body system in general, (John, 2013). The most vulnerable group prone to malnutrition is children due to their weak immune system. Children are prone to diseases, infection and malnutrition because their immune system are not fully developed are dependent on others for their basic need, and this stage of life is a critical stage that requires growth and development, hence the need for sufficient nutrients that will aid them in their growth and development, (UNICEF, 2013).

Generally, under-five children’s nutritional status is accepted as an indicator for the nutritional status of any community (John, 2013).The nutritional need of children is higher than that required for an adult this is because adult have strong immune system and they care and cater for their basic needs; what happens to this children is a reflection of the whole population and is used to measure the nutritional status of a population. Children are very important in the world and they constitute about 20% of a whole population, over 40% children in the world are stunted and more than 20% show chronic malnutrition which is quite challenging (INDEPTH, 2014).

According to 2015, UNICEF, WHO and world bank group released updated child malnutrition estimates for the 1990-2014 period, which represent the most recent global and regional figures after adding 62 new surveys from 57 countries to join the data set, global in 2014 there were estimated 667million children under 5 in the world; 159 million were stunted, 41 million were overweight and 50million were wasted.

Malnutrition contributes almost half of all children’s death, that is, more than 3 million per year (Robert & Black, 2013). It continues to be an issue in Nigeria owing to a myriad of factors. According to the 2012 Nigeria Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transition (SMART) survey, global acute malnutrition has a prevalence of between 6.4% and 13.1% and severe acute malnutrition between 0.7% and 2.2% (SMART, 2012). According to the Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS, 2014), the percentage of stunting in Nigerian children under-five years declined from 41% in 2008 to 37% in 2013. However, the percentage of children who are wasted increased from 14% in 2008 to 18% in 2013. This indicates an ongoing deprivation among Nigerian children (NDHS, 2014).

• Statement of the Problem
Over 150 million children under five in the developing world are underweight a factor contributing to over half of all child deaths worldwide. Approximately 80 percent of the malnutrition- related deaths were due to mild or moderate forms of malnutrition. Malnourished children have lowered resistance to infection. Even a mildly underweight child has an increased risk of dying. WHO estimates that of the 10.4 million deaths of children fewer than 5 years of age that occurred in developing countries in 1995, about half were associated with malnutrition. Additionally, the proportion of underweight children dropped from 33 per cent in 1990 to 28 per cent in 2003, with significant advances in some very poor countries. Still, progress is too slow to meet the MDG target or to restore normal lives to the millions of children who are currently undernourished (11, 12).

In sub-Saharan Africa, there has been little or no change over the period 1990-2003, and nearly a third of all children under five are underweight. Because of population growth, the number of malnourished children in sub-Saharan Africa has actually increased from 29 million to 37 million over the period 1990 to 2003(12).

Malnutrition can best be described in Nigeria as a long-term year round phenomenon due to chronic inadequacies in food intake combined with high levels of illness, the two immediate causes of malnutrition. It is not a problem found uniquely during drought years. It is a year round chronic problem found in the majority of households across all regions of the country (13).

In Nigeria 47% of children under five are stunted and 24% are severely stunted. 11% of children under five are wasted and 2% are severely wasted. The weight for age indicator shows that 38% of children under five are underweight and 11% are severely underweight (14).

Since the number of research conducted in this area was not sufficient and pastoralist communities are marginalized social groups, this study tried to look at the major causes for malnutrition in that community and the major type of malnutrition especially in relation to their living condition, food habits, dietary diversification, and food insecurity. Additionally, to look at the existence of previously investigated problems and related factors. It also serves as a reference for further study in the country.

• Research questions
• What are the major causes for malnutrition in community under study?

• What prevalence of stunting of under five children in the study area?

• What prevalence of wasting of under five children in the study area?

• What are the knowledge and practice of mothers/caretakers on complementary and supplementary feeding of the child?

1.4 General Objectives:
To determine the causes and effects of malnutrition among children under five of age in the Pastoralist community of Calabar South LGA, Cross River state.

1.4 Specific Objectives
• What are the major causes for malnutrition in community under study?

• To determine prevalence of stunting of under five children in the study area

• To estimate prevalence of wasting of under five children in the study area

• To assess the knowledge and practice of mothers/caretakers on complementary and supplementary feeding of the child

1.5 Research Hypothesis
H0: There is no causes and effects of malnutrition among under five children in Calabar South.

1.6 Significance of the study
The pastoral areas in Nigeria are one of the most drought vulnerable areas with chronic food deficiencies.

Pastoralists are the most marginalized social groups in the country in terms of access to public services including education and health services.

The number of research conducted in this area was not sufficient to impact the pastoralists’ marginalization.

The study attempted to look at the major causes for malnutrition in the community and the major type of malnutrition especially in relation to their living condition, food habits, dietary diversification, and food insecurity.

It will also serve as a reference for further study and recommend some improvements in the future.

• Operational Definition
Agro pastorals= people who are practicing producing crops and herding as economic activity of their family income.

Anthropometry= refers to measurement of variations of physical dimension and gross composition of human body at different levels and degrees of nutrition (Jelliff, 1966).

Family size: - The total number of people lives in a house during the study period. Literacy: - Ability to read and write.

Pastoral = peoples who are practicing of herding as the primary economic activity of their Family income.

Parent: - Biological father and mother.

Diarrhea: - Three or more loose stools over a period of 24 hours.

Malnutrition= Malnutrition is a state of nutrition in which a deficiency or excess (or imbalance) of energy, protein, and other nutrients causes measurable adverse effects on tissue/body form (body shape, size and composition) and function, and clinical outcome.

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