The proposed redesign for the Building Material Market in Abuja aims to enhance its functionality, accessibility, and aesthetic appeal to better serve the needs of both vendors and customers. Through careful planning and consideration of various factors such as traffic flow, infrastructure, and spatial organization, the redesign seeks to optimize the layout of the market while creating a welcoming and efficient environment. Key features of the proposed redesign include improved signage, designated loading and unloading zones, upgraded amenities, and enhanced security measures. Additionally, the incorporation of green spaces and modern architectural elements will contribute to a more pleasant and sustainable marketplace. Overall, the proposed redesign aims to transform the Building Material Market into a vibrant hub for commerce and community interaction in Abuja.

It is evident that comprehensive architectural design has been used in architectural design of Building Material Market through strategic urban planning in developing policy plans. The urban structure of Building Material Market is on a grid plan and zoning ordinances are used to guide developments in the study area. This study is therefore based on a background of problems associated with the compliance of developments with the above architectural design.

Globally, there are challenges associated with comprehensive urban planning and master plans. Comprehensiveness and rationality in urban planning try to define future end-states and goals that strongly depart from the current situation (Lindblom and Bay Brooke, 1963). It is difficult for planners to predict effects of alternatives that depart strongly from the current situation and a master plan is not flexible enough to take into account other developments in future. The master plan’s two dimensional nature causes the problem of unifying it with architecture pattern and form which is three dimensional. Comprehensive urban planning focuses too much on design leaving the social, political and economic aspects of the urban society.

Additionally, strategic urban planning used in developing the policy plans for Building Material Market has theoretical problems. Theoretically, strategic urban planning was adapted from the military to business sector before its use in public planning. Private and public arenas have different settings in the political arena, public arena and control and monitoring mechanisms. As a result of these differences strategic planning concepts from the business sector can be used in the public sector, on condition that planners take into account the political arena, the public arena and the formal processes and regulations that ensure democratic decision-making (Nutt and Backoff1995; Stone, Bryson and Einsweiler, 1988)

As stated by Bernstein 1994, implementations of the master plans and policy plans are affected by the general inefficiency associated with majority of the developing countries’ land policies, and the absence of secure tenure, adequate land management capacity, inappropriate instruments and weak institutional measures, (Bernstein; 1994).

The grid urban planning applied in Building Material Market has its theoretical problems. According to Camillo Siite (Camillo, 1889) grids lack variety and, consequently, are uninteresting and can become oppressive by their monotony. Grid system causes congestion at intersections and vulnerability of pedestrians. The long travel distances in grid urban planning consumes large pieces of land with the inherent high street and intersection frequencies producing large areas of impermeable surfaces in street pavement and sidewalks.

The Building Material Market in Abuja currently faces challenges related to inefficiencies in layout and infrastructure, inadequate amenities, and safety concerns, hindering its ability to meet the needs of vendors and customers effectively.

1.3 Research Questions
1. How does the current layout and infrastructure of the Building Material Market impact vendor operations and customer experience?

2. What are the key safety and security concerns within the market, and how do they affect business operations and customer confidence?

3. What amenities and facilities are lacking in the market, and how do they contribute to customer dissatisfaction and vendor productivity?

1.4 Research Objectives
1. To assess the current layout and infrastructure of the Building Material Market in Abuja and identify areas for improvement.

2. To investigate safety and security issues within the market and propose measures to enhance overall security and customer confidence.

3. To identify deficiencies in amenities and facilities available in the market and develop strategies to address them effectively.

1.5 Significance of Study
The proposed research is significant as it aims to address critical challenges faced by the Building Material Market in Abuja, which is vital for the construction industry in the region. By improving the market's layout, infrastructure, safety, and amenities, the study seeks to enhance the overall shopping experience for customers, boost vendor productivity, and contribute to the economic growth and development of Abuja's building materials sector. Additionally, the findings of the study can serve as a valuable reference for urban planners, policymakers, and market stakeholders seeking to revitalize similar markets across the region.

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Size: 44 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
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