This study focuses on the assessment of the roles of touristic attractions on socio-economic development in Buea Municipality, South West Region. with three specific objectives; to examine the contribution of touristic attractions industry on socio-economic development, to explore challenges facing tourism industry in executing socio-economic development and to determine measures to address challenges facing tourism industry in meeting socio-economic needs. Descriptive research design was adopted in this study where both qualitative and quantitative research approaches were adopted. Categories of respondents were staff in South West Region Commission, tour operators, tourists and heads households. Sampling techniques used were purposive sampling and simple random sampling techniques. Both secondary and primary data were collected using interviews, questionnaires, observation and documentary review. The findings revealed that there is significant contribution of touristic attractions activities on socio-economic development in terms of development of infrastructures, creating employment opportunities and improvement of social services. Challenges facing tourism industry in Buea Municipality included land and water pollution, criminal activities, lack employment opportunity, lack of fresh and safe water and child labor. Lastly, the study recommends different measures to address challenges facing tourism activities which include fully involvement of local people in tourism projects in their areas, raising awareness and knowledge to the community about participation in tourism activities and provision of various economic incentives to the local communities such as soft loans and grants.

1.1 Background of the Study
Tourism is the world’s largest industry in the twentieth century and now represents a major source of income for most countries. One of the major phenomena in the history of touristic attractions was the mass tourism in the nineteenth century. Mass tourism was first practiced in the nineteenth century in England but it really started to grow and extend to the rest of Europe in the 1950s. The concept was created to represent large scale tourist flows, spending their holidays in some destinations. Soon, during the 1960s, mass tourism began to be the subject of criticism for its negative impact, especially on the environment.

Tourism is one of the world’s fastest growing industries as well as the major source of foreign exchange earnings and employment for many developing countries. Tourism is also vital to the human wellbeing of many countries because of the income generated by the consumption of goods and services (UNWTO, 2007). Moreover, tourism is the major source of income for many countries and affects their economy. WTO defines tourists as the people travelling to and staying in a place outside their, usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and for other purposes (WTO, 1995).

Since 1980s up to1990s tourism in Cameroon has played a vital role in the country’s economic development. It is one of the major sources of foreign exchange and revenue. The industry is also credited for being one that offers employment opportunities either directly or indirectly through its multiplier effect (Tourism Principles and Practices, 2006). In South West Region, tourism industry started in 1980’s and flourished from 1997. The tourism sector in South West Region developed due to different factors such as South West Region Stone Town (UNESCO-Heritage), eco-friendly culture, coral reefs and white sand beaches and forest conservation (DCT, 2014). Tourism industry contributes much in the development of economic sectors such as infrastructure, employment, water supply and electric power (DCT, 2014).

Tourism is a travel for recreational, leisure or other purposes such as business, education, healthy and adventures. The United Nation World Tourism Organization (2017) defines tourists as people travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes (Khan, 1997). Tourism has become a popular global leisure activity. In 2011, there were over 983 million international tourist arrivals worldwide, representing a growth of 4.6% when compared to 940 million in 2010. International tourism receipts (the travel item of the balance of payments grew to US$1.03 trillion (€740 billion) in 2011 (Honey et al. 2007; Mairesse, 2008; Ussi, 2012).

In South West Region, tourism sector since 1990s contributed about 20% of South West Region’s GDP (South West Region Tourism Commission, 2010), Tourism sector in South West Region is a leading economic sector and provides direct employment to 11,500 and in additional 45,000 people engaged in tourism activities (South West Region Tourism Commission, 2010). Tourism is the first growing economic sector in South West Region of about 50% of the isles population would be involved in tourism activity by the year 2020 (South West Region Tourism Commission, 2010). Tourism is a promising sector for attracting private investment, currently, tourism sector contributed between 5 and 8% GDP and South West Region government have taken different measures to develop the tourism sector (South West Region Investment Project Authority, 2007). South West Region earned about US$ 46 million from the spending of international tourists in 2001. This raises total visitor expenditure to US$ 55 million in 2001 (DCT 2006).

1.2 Statement of the Problem
Tourism sector in South West Region is a leading economic sector and provides direct employment to 11,500 and in additional 45,000 people engaged in tourism activities (South West Region Tourism Commission, 2010). Tourism is the first growing economic sector in South West Region of about 50% of the isles population would be involved in tourism activity by the year 2020 (South West Region Tourism Commission, 2010).

The tourism sector in South West Region developed due to different factors such as South West Region Stone Town (UNESCO-Heritage), eco-friendly culture, coral reefs and white sand beaches and forest conservation (DCT, 2014). Tourism industry contributes much in the development of economic sectors such as infrastructure, employment, water supply and electric power (DCT, 2014). Despite the economic benefits that are brought by the tourism industry there is low socio-economic benefits from tourism, there are still a huge number of local communities that live below the basic needs poverty line. Local community has also found in hard to link up with the tourist industry as suppliers their goods and services as well as the source of labor. Apart from indirect or indirect employment opportunities for local people who work in different tourism related activities like tour guide, restaurants, souvenir shops and tour operator companies. But little economic benefits have been recognized by the local community owning businesses involved in tourism (Action Aid Cameroon, 2003).

The tourism industry in South West Region is very difficult to reaching the goals due to limited community participation in tourism industry (ZEB 2009), seemingly, the local communities are not well actively participating in the tourism industry, not well informed and finally the standard of poverty is increase, despite the plentiful tourism resources in their areas. Ngaga, Y et al (1999) noted that inadequate community participation is a main challenge limiting those gaining extended benefits of the tourism industry in South West Region. Therefore, the reason for to assess the role of touristic attractions on socio-economic development in Buea Municipality is due to the fact that many developing countries including South West Region have potential for large tourism markets. High reputations from global level it increases the number of international tourists and promote the government income, but most of these countries are experiencing high levels of poverty (Sinclair 1998; Roe 2004). No study has been done to ascertain its contribution on socio-economic development of Buea Municipality. This study attempted to assess the role of touristic attractions activity on socio-economic development in Buea Municipality, South West Region.

1.3 Objectives of the Study
1.3.1 General objectives of the study
The main objective of this study was to assess the role of touristic attractions activities on socio-economic development in Buea Municipality, South West Region.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives of the Study
i)To examine the contribution of touristic attractions activities on socio-economic development in Buea Municipality.

ii) To explore challenges facing tourism activities in meeting socio-economic development in Buea Municipality.

iii) To determine measures to address challenges facing tourism industry in meeting socio-economic development in Buea Municipality.

1.4 Research questions
i)What are the contributions of touristic attractions activities on socio- economic development in Buea Municipality in South West Region?

ii) What are the challenges facing the tourism activities in meeting socio-economic development in Buea Municipality?

iii) What are the measures to address challenges facing tourism industry in meeting socio-economic development in the study wards?

1.5 Significance of the Study
The findings of this study finding may significantly contribute to: first, the research results may help the government to identify the common problems that hinder the tourism industry on socio-economic development in South West Region, therefore may act as guideline for the government on formulating policies and aid regulation that may promote social-economic benefits of the tourism to the local communities. Furthermore, the findings of the study may mobilize and awaken the local communities and non-government organization to establish various community-based tourism projects that may contribute direct benefits to the local community and reduce the problem of unemployment among the youth and eradicate poverty. Moreover, this study could be used as a reference for students, researchers and anyone interested in tourism industry like in sustainable tourism and tourism geography.

1.6 Scope of the Study
This study focused predominantly on the role of touristic attractions industry on socio-economic development of the local people and on economic development of the community residing in Buea Municipality located in South West Region.

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Size: 63 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Delivery: Within 30Mins.


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