The research is set to examine Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) strikes and academic performance of students in Ekiti State University (EKSU) Ado-Ekiti. The research employed multistage sampling technique to select the faculties and the departments from where six hundred and four (604) respondents were selected, questionnaires and interviews were employed to draw information from respondents. The findings showed that the incessant strikes action by ASUU in Nigeria have disrupted the academic calendar of Universities and this has affected students’ academic pursuit and performance, 71.2% of the respondents have experienced ASUU strikes and 51.6% admitted that ASUU strikes have had negative influence on their academics. Almost sixty percent [59.5%] believed that government can find a lasting solution to the problems of ASUU strikes through prompt and rewarding dialogue that grants the request of ASUU timely. The study suggests and recommends that university students should engage themselves in tutorial classes or self-study during the strike action to keep them abreast with academics at resumption, their parents or guardians should ensure that they encourage students engagement in academic activities rather than domestic chores while the strike last, the members and the executives of ASUU should employ other industrial dispute strategies to express their grievances rather than embark on indefinite strike action which obviously paralyses student’s academics. The Nigerian Government should also employ the method of prompt dialogue and grant the requests of ASUU in time to prevent erosion and total breakdown of the educational sector.

The formation of the Academic staff Union of Universities (INDUSTRIAL) in 1978 has brought about some changes in the academic systems of universities in Nigeria-both positive and negative. While a faction might see the activities of the union as a blessing, some see it as a curse to Nigerians and a channel to frustrate Nigerian students.

Through numerous Industrial actions such as strike actions undertaken by the union to compel the government to meet the needs of public universities, lecturers and students, schools have been forced to shut down, academic calendars affected, and students have been frustrated as well as their parents. The union was active in struggles against the military regime during the 1980s. In 1988 the union organized a National Strike to obtain fair wages and university autonomy. As a result, the INDUSTRIAL was proscribed on 7 August 1988 and all its property seized. It was allowed to resume in 1990, but after another strike was again banned on 23 August 1992. However, an agreement was reached on 3 September 1992 that met several of the union's demands including the right of workers to collective bargaining. The INDUSTRIAL organized further strikes in 1994 and 1996, protesting against the dismissal of staff by the Sani Abacha military regime.

Disruptions in academic programs serve as non-motivational factor to the students. It discourages them from learning. It is not surprising therefore that during strike actions, most students are seen involved in diverse activities such as sexual immorality, cyber scam, pool betting, unnecessary gossips, watching of films and reading comic materials for entertainment purposes rather than reading their books. In the long run, they soon forget about academics and are no longer prepared for class activities which negatively affect their learning capability.

Odubela (2012) concluded that an effective learning or an enhanced academic performance is achieved by successful covering of the course outline timely and before the examination. This is rarely achieved with strike action in place. From the above review therefore, the researcher is of the view that disruption in academic program as caused by strike action breeds disappointment, frustration, emotional and psychological trauma, unpreparedness on the part of the students and lack of motivation, which sum up to non conducive environment for effective learning in Nigerian universities; a situation that dampens human development.

However, little attention is given to the effects of INDUSTRIAL constant strikes on the academic performance of students in Nigerian universities. This study therefore intends to examine the series of INDUSTRIAL strikes and the direct effects it has on the students’ grade point average (GPA).

University worldwide is regarded as the citadel of knowledge, the fountain of intellectualism, the most appropriate ground for the incubation of leaders of tomorrow. However, over the last thirty years in Nigeria, the University system has witnessed an unprecedented Industrial unrest and so many official assaults than other social institution.

Statistics from the National Universities Commission (2002) reveal that since 1992, industrial has embarked on strikes over 23 times to drive home its demands. As with all Industrial conflicts, strikes have significant wider social consequences.

Many have argued that those in authorities see universities as a burden and as institutions to be exploited and left desolate. To arrest the situation, industrial have went on Industrial actions several times with the recent one in 2013 lingering for more than 6 months. There is hardly a full academic session that student and staff crises will not result in loss of studies, delayed graduation for students and economic waste for students, parents and the country as a whole.

However, little attention is given to the effects of industrial constant strikes on the academic performance of students in Nigerian universities. This study therefore intends to examine the series of industrial strikes and the direct effects it has on the students’ grade point average (GPA).

The main of the study is to examine the effect of industrial Strike on academic performance of undergraduates in Nigeria. Specific objectives of the study are:

1. To determine the relationship between industrial strike action and the level of academic performance of undergraduates.

2. To examine the effect of industrial strike actions on undergraduates’ academic performance.

3. To examine the role of the federal government in ensuring non-insistent of strike actions.

4. To examine the role of the society in ensuring smooth running of academic session.

5. To examine the effect of industrial strike on moral status of students.

Based on the above stated objectives the study shall answer this question;

1. Is there a relationship between industrial strike action and level of academic performance?

2. What are some of the effect of strike action on students’ academic performance?

3. What role does the federal government play in ensuring non-insistent strike action?

4. How can the society at large contribute to the smooth flow of academic session?

5. What effect does strike has on the moral status of students?

Ho: There is no significant relationship between INDUSTRIAL strike and academic performance of Undergraduates in Nigeria.

Hi: There is a significant relationship between INDUSTRIAL strike and academic performance of Undergraduates in Nigeria.

This research will add to the body of knowledge by enlightening the students on how they can cope with the unfavorable industrial actions embarked upon by University's staffs, so as to enable them perform as expected in their studies. Furthermore, this study would also help to further research and add to knowledge build-up in the university. Again from this study, students would be able to device exemplary means of ensuring excellent performance even with the occurrence of a strike action by the various labour unions in the university including the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU). Policy makers may also find the outcome of the study useful for future planning in tackling the menace by reducing the incessant industrial actions to the barest minimum.

This study on the influence of industrial action on the academic performance of the student of the Ekiti State University will cover all the issues of industrial action in Nigerian universities focusing on the Ekiti State University and the perception of students about it.

The researcher in the course of this work encountered certain constraints which are:

1. Time constraint as the research work is combining with other academic activities.

2. Second is the dearth of information such as low respond from respondent due to one reason or the other. 3. Lastly in financial constraint occasioned by the need for continuous sorting for information material.

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Size: 58 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Delivery: Within 30Mins.


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