The aim of the study is to identify the impact of poor
inclusion of stakeholders in projects scheduling and execution. Three
objectives were set for this research work: To identify the impact of poor
inclusion of stakeholders in projects scheduling and execution; To identify the
approaches that would help to effectively involve stakeholders in projects
scheduling and execution; and to recommend strategies for dealing effectively
with stakeholders‟ pressures and claims in projects scheduling and execution in
Ghana. Structured questionnaire was used to gather information from the
respondents in order to obtain data for analysis of their views. The
respondents were made up of professionals from the following group stakeholders
involve in projects scheduling and execution. The study revealed that changes
in the scope of work, poor communication, slow decision making, rejected
projects by end-users/community, additional works, inadequate resources
assigned to the project, struggle to clearly define the project objectives,
delays and cost overruns, slow information flow between parties and abandoned
projects in that order were the major impact of poor inclusion of stakeholders.
It is recommended that effective communication and information flow, early
involvement in decision-making and design stage, stakeholders‟ management
plan/registration and regular workshops will effectively result in the
inclusion of stakeholders in the planning and implementation of construction
Fewings (2005) depicts a stakeholder as individual, firm or
experts who is keen on the outcome as well as systems required in a project.
The accompanying are considered as stakeholder in construction project, enlisted temporary
workers, designers and specialists, sub-contracting firms, proprietors in any
ability in undertaking, nearby powers, perceived proficient bodies, group,
lawmakers and natural gatherings.
As indicated by Olander, 2006, project stakeholder alludes to
individual or gathering of people that are in control of stakeholder properties
of Authority, Rightfulness or Importance for their cases in the endeavor.
Stakeholders‟ have moving levels and sorts of interests in project in which they are involved as opined
by Atkin and Skitmore (2008).
In the blink of an
eye, verging on
each endeavor happens in an
association where stakeholders expect a critical part in the fulfillment of set
errands. Karlsen, (2002) opines that when in doubt, the endeavor is sensitive
to stakeholders‟ exercises and decisions. stakeholders require the limit of
arranging parts with different stakeholders, especially with the slant of
stakeholder social occasions creating to endeavor to affect the execution of
construction project as
demonstrated by their individual concerns and needs (Atkin and Skitmore, 2008).
There are two classes of stakeholders, to be specific immediate and aberrant stakeholders. Those specifically required in the project are Direct
Stakeholders. The customer, project supervisor, project bolster experts, colleagues, suppliers, advisors, material and hardware suppliers, site
faculty, contractual workers and subcontractors and also end clients (Lester,
2007). They are otherwise called interior stakeholders.
The Public Procurement Act of Ghana is to guarantee
responsibility and straightforwardness of open assets. The proof of an
extensive number of rejected and
abandoned construction project across the nation means that
the poor stakeholders inclusion in the planning and implementation of the
Bourne and Walker, 2005 hypothesized that there is the need
to distinguish stakeholders' energy and mapped in like manner with a specific
end goal to fathom their potential effect. Applicable techniques could then be
authorized to enhance the positive and minimize any negative impact. His
attestation is in concurrence with Lim et al, (2005) in his accommodation that
inability to welcome stakeholders' impact has prompted incalculable task
disappointments, fundamentally on the grounds that construction stakeholders'
have the assets and ability to stop construction project.
As indicated by Olander and Landin (2005) amid the previous
decades, the construction project worldwide has a poor record of stakeholders‟
management, and the construction project in Accra the capital of Ghana is not
an excellent case. Moreover, Jergeas et al (2000) expressed that the compelling
management of task stakeholders is considered as an essential key to project
achievement Jergeas communicates worry that "the stakeholders may not be
fulfilled by the undertaking's result." In perspective of this issue
articulation, the analyst tries to distinguish the effect of
poor stakeholders' contribution in planning and actualizing construction
The focus of this study is geared towards stakeholders'
expectations and effective inclusion in projects implementation. The focus will
enable researcher achieve a successful project within the required time, cost,
quality, scope, elimination of disputes and conflict, and proper acceptance by
In view of achieving that, the research will be addressing
the under listed questions:
What are the impacts of poor stakeholders‟ involvement
in projects?
What are the approaches that would help to effectively
involve stakeholders‟ projects?
What strategies could be put in place to effectively respond
to stakeholders‟ pressures and claims in the planning and implementation of
construction projects in Ghana
1.4.1 AIM OF THE
The aim of this research is to identify the impact of poor
stakeholders‟ involvement in the planning and implementation of construction
Identification of the impact of poor stakeholders‟
involvement in the planning and implementation of construction projects.
The approaches that would help to effectively involve stakeholders
in projects.
Identification of strategies for dealing effectively with
stakeholders‟ pressures and claims in project scheduling and execution in
This Study is centered on the impact of poor stakeholders‟
inclusion in projects scheduling and execution. The scope is limited to
Government of Ghana funded construction projects in the Accra Metropolis,
Ghana. The respondents were Clients, Contractors and Consultants. The number of
inhabitants in the study contained Consultants, Client, and Contractors who are
involved in projects scheduling and execution in the Accra Metropolis. The
study populace utilized was comprised of the contracting organizations that have
a legitimate enrollment in the accompanying fields: Government supported
building and road projects. The customer or proprietor offices comprise of all
administration set up associations that partook in in projects scheduling and
execution in the Accra Metropolis. The expert organizations comprise of all
professionals that have a substantial enrollment of professions and are
involved in in projects scheduling and execution in the Accra Metropolis,

This study will serve
as premise for future studies by researchers into the reasons why
stakeholders ought to be viably involved
in project scheduling and execution.
This examination will change some ineffectual methods for stakeholders' inclusion in projects remembering the point of
successful project within cost, time, quality,
desire and extent of the stakeholders.
The techniques
uncovered in this exploration will extend
project teams to viably involve
stakeholders in project scheduling and execution in Ghana.
The research methodology for the study consists of the study
design, population, sample
scope and method, data sources and method for gathering data
and others.
questionnaire was used as the gathering
instrument for taking views from the
respondents in
order to
obtain data for
analysis of their views. The population of this study was made up of the following
stakeholders involve in the planning and implementation of construction
projects; Clients, Consultants and Contractors.
In this study, quantitative method was employed in the data
analysis. The data entry and analysis of data collected from field were
processed with Microsoft Excel and the Statistical Package for Social Sciences
The thesis consists of five
(5) parts as below;
Part 1: Refers to chapter one that gives overview of the
thesis and includes; background of study, statement of problem, aim and
objectives, research questions, significance of the study, research
methodology, scope of the study and research structure.
Part 2: Literature review; the literature related to impact
of poor stakeholders‟ involvement, stakeholder involvement and management and
relevant issues in stakeholder inclusion in projects scheduling and execution.
Part 3: Methodology, this chapter is where the researcher
describes the procedure of the methodology in line with the structured
Part 4: Findings and Discussion. This chapter gives the
results of the research. The findings will be discussed into details as well.
Part 5: Conclusions and Recommendations of the research
towards effective involvement of stakeholders before, during and after planning
and execution of construction projects.
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===================================================================Item Type: Ghanaian Topic | Size: 70 pages | Chapters: 1-5
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