This study investigated the nature of attitude of female students toward the learning of Islamic studies in some selected Unity Colleges of the North West Zone of Nigeria. The target populations were senior secondary school students of three selected Unity Colleges of the North West Zone, the sample was selected using stratified random sampling technique. The instrument used for data collection was questionnaire using likert scale type. A total of 369 respondents were used. The information gathered were analyzed and interpreted in a tabular form. It was concluded from the findings of this study that a great number of female students’ display a negative attitude toward Islamic Studies because they considered it not relevant to their financial ambition. It was also discovered that there was lack of available and relevant textbooks and other instructional materials that aid the teaching and learning of Islamic Studies. More so, school authorities have their contributions to the problems faced by Islamic Studies as a subject in their various schools.

1.1       Background to the study
In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the Most Merciful. All thanks are to Allah (SWT), the author of Islamic religion. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Prophets (AS) who taught man the true guidance of life, which is recorded and known as Islamic studies. Thus, the importance and value of Islamic studies as discipline cannot be overemphasized. The obvious reason could be attributed to its unique role in guiding man to the proper application of Islamic injunctions, which is a source of man‘s salvation in the Hereafter and of course the ultimate guidance of the discipline to the best mode of conducting the entire life of a man is worthwhile. In a nutshell, the stipulated objective of Islamic Studies is to help man know the way to happiness in both the life of the world and in the hereafter. Islamic Studies as combinations of various subjects has the most significant qualities in the realization of the objectives of creation of man and his responsibility on the earth.

Attitude as defined by Gagne (1977) is an inter-state that influences the personal activities of an individual. He also sees attitude as a regulator of all behaviour. He further sees attitude as one's behaviour and is an index of what is going on within the individual. Mukherjee (1978) states that attitudes are organized through experiences and impact direct influence upon the individual.

The disheartening situation in Nigeria is the failure of its educational policy to recognize the role of Islamic Studies in the inculcation of moral values, a quality that is highly needed especially to teenagers. In this regard, Islamic studies is considered as optional subject in secondary schools while Science subjects have appealing concern that its obligation has no objection. Perhaps this blunder is not limited to the government but parents, society and individuals equally are contributing to dishonoring Islamic studies as a subject. Thus, the policy and activities of society have irresistible influence on the student‘s choice of study.

This study will therefore review the activities of the unity schools in their effort to teach Islamic Studies and the extent of the impact of the subject on the acceptability of the students and their parents.

1.2       Statement of the problem.
Schools are generally places of learning and acquisition of discipline. Thus, many subjects form the basis of learning and discipline in the school system for proper grooming of a student. Islamic studies as discipline is a combinations of subjects that are widely recognized all over the world as worthy of learning perhaps because of its inevitable nature for the perfection of man. Indeed, it is a subject that has the capacity to transform societies into morally and God fearing.

However, with the negligence of the subject, Islamic studies, as a core subject to all Muslim students, the Muslim societies in the contemporary world are experiencing deplorable moral decadence. In this regard, would it be proper to allow Muslim students in particular, in the name of learning the most preferred subjects, sciences, to disown moral discipline of the religion that constitute part of their faith? Or what will be the fate of society that is morally bankrupt? Or do the Muslims of the contemporary period consider learning Islamic studies as a stumbling block to technological advancement or irrelevant to the contemporary world? Indeed, every parent is expected to educate his child the values of religion for the child to acquire consciousness of the Lord (Allah-SWT). Therefore, would it not be a crime on the part of the parents that refuse to guide their children to religious knowledge? On assumptions if everyone decides to forsake learning religious knowledge would that be considered as promotion to the religion?

1.3       Aims and Objectives of the Study
The broad aim of this research work is undertaken to study the attitude of female Muslim students toward Islamic studies teaching and learning in the Unity Colleges of the North West zone of Nigeria.

On the other hand the major objectives of this research include:

1. To investigate the common attitude of female students towards Islamic studies in some selected unity colleges of the North West zone of Nigeria.

2. To examine the factors that are responsible for female student‘s choice of Islamic studies as a subject.

3. To appraise the attitudes of female students to Islamic studies

4. To assess the most relevant methods of teaching Islamic studies in female schools.

5. To explain the relevance of Islamic studies in the contemporary period.

6. To examine the problems associated with the teachings of Islamic studies in the unity colleges of North West zone of Nigeria.

1.4       Research Questions
The study specifically seeks to finding out the attitude of female students toward Islamic studies in our unity colleges by finding answer to the following research question:

1. What is the attitude of female students to the learning of Islamic studies in unity colleges of the North West Zone of Nigeria?

2. Are there any factor that controls the choice of female students to Islamic studies in the unity colleges of the North West zone of Nigeria?

3. What is the extent of the effectiveness of the method adopted by the teachers in teaching female students in the unity colleges of the North West zone of Nigeria?

4. What are the factors that militate against the proper teaching and learning of Islamic Studies in the Unity Colleges of North West zone of Nigeria?

5. What are the perceptions about the status of Islamic studies as a subject by female students in the unity colleges of the North West zone of Nigeria?

6. What are the problems associated with teaching female students Islamic studies in the unity colleges of North West zone of Nigeria?

1.5       Significance of the Study
The importance of Islamic studies in the promotion of moral and spiritual discipline in the minds of people can not be over emphasized. Therefore, any society that lacks the guidance of the religion of Islam, such society is bound to be morally unsound. The current deterioration in moral values that the contemporary societies are experiencing may not be far from negligence and nonchalant attitude of parents/guardians to the studies of Islamic Studies. The problem of examination malpractice, which has almost crippled education in Nigeria, may equally be attributed to the moral bankrupt that resulted from the negligence of teachings of religious courses in particular. The evasion in Allah's consciousness which is as a result of given preference to materialism at the expense of religious studies is responsible for the promotion of prostitutions and other illegal illicit behavior in the contemporary society. Therefore any research that could reintegrate the value of religious studies in sanitizing societies and explain the implications of it to all development would be of great significance at this period when moral decadence and UnGodly situation are in high prevalence.

1.6       Scope / Delimitation of the Study
This study is supposed to cover the whole 18 Unity Colleges that are within the North West of Nigeria. However, due to time constraints and limited fund to have exhaustive research investigation in all the Female Unity Colleges of the North West Zone of Nigeria, the research therefore adopted a sample population of some selected female unity colleges within the former three states of the North West Zone i.e. Kaduna, Kano and Sokoto states.

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Size: 102 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word   Delivery: Within 30Mins.


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