This study focused on the analysis of manpower development among administrative staff of tertiary institutions in Delta State. . The objectives of this study are; To analyse the benefit of on-the-job training and development programmes on administrative staff of tertiary institutions, to find out the benefit of off-the-job training and development programmes on administrative staff of tertiary institutions, to identify the challenges to effective manpower development of administrative staff of tertiary institutions, to determine the measures for effective manpower training and development of administrative staff of tertiary institutions, to determine the extent manpower development has affected job performance of administrative staff of tertiary institutions. Data for this study were obtained from both primary and secondary sources. The study has a population size of 6680, out of which a sample size of 377 was realized using Taro yamane’s statistical formular. Survey research design was adopted. Chi-square distribution table (

) were used to test the hypotheses. To ensure that the research instruments are valid, a conduct of a pre-test of every question in the questionnaire was carried out. For reliability of the research instruments, a test-re-test method was adopted using the crobach alpha reliability method the result and the result gave reliability coefficient of 0.61, which showed an evidence of internal and external consistency of the instrument. Findings indicate that; on-the-job training increased employees capacity to adopt new technologies and methods; off-the-job training enhanced employees chances of promotion; management inability to send employees for training is a challenge to effective manpower development; establishment of training centres is a measure for effective manpower development; manpower development help increased employees output. Based on the findings, the study recommends that Statutory orientation programmes should be organized for all newly recruited administrative staff; Seminar, workshops and conferences should be organized periodically for administrative staff so as to equip them with the latest work methods and technology, Administrative staff should be encouraged to participate in international conferences, seminars and workshops and contribute articles to international journals by way of financial incentives, sponsorship, reimbursements and grants etc; Merit-based pay salary be introduced for administrative staff who have distinguished themselves in work performance and displayed excellent productivity; Each department/unit should float financial grant/loan for the departmental unit members, this will encourage high performance within the department /unit and healthy competitions between other departments and units;the state government in collaboration with the National Universities Commission, National Council for Colleges of Education and National Board for Technical Education should enhance administrative staff training grants and other needed resources.

Title Page
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Objectives of the Study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Research Hypotheses
1.6 Significance of the Study
1.7 Scope of the Study
1.8 Limitations of the Study
1.9 Operational Definition of Key Terms
2.1 Theoretical Framework
2.2 Conceptual Framework
2.3 The Objectives of Manpower Development
2.4 Significance of Manpower Development Theory
2.5 Criticisms of Manpower Development
2.6 Training and Development Aspect of Manpower Development
2.7 The Need for Staff Training and Development
Tertiary Institutions
2.8 Techniques for Determining Training Needs
2.9 Training and Development Principles
2.10 Training needs Analysis
2.11 Training and Development Programmes
2.12 Manpower Training and Development in Nigeria
2.13 The Relevance of Manpower Development in Nigeria
2.14 Problem of Manpower Development in Nigeria
2.15 Options for Effective Manpower Development in Nigeria
2.16 Analysis of Training Policies of Manpower in
Tertiary Institutions in Delta State
2.17 Overview of Tertiary Institution in Nigeria
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Sources of Data
3.3 Population of the Study
3.4 Determination of Sample Size
3.5 Sampling Method
3.6 Validation of Research Instrument
3.7 Reliability of Research Instrument
3.8 Statistical Tools for Data Analysis
4.1 Data Presentation and Analysis
4.2 Testing of Hypotheses
5.1 Summary of Findings
5.3 Conclusions
5.4 Recommendations
5.5 Suggestions for Further Studies
5.6 Contribution to Knowledge
Until the early 1980s there was a general resistance to investment in manpower development in tertiary institutions. This is because of what Stahi (2004) posits was the belief that “employees hired under a merit system must be presumed to be qualified because they were already trained for their jobs, and that if this was not so it was evidence that initial selection of personnel was at fault”. This assumption has been jettisoned as the need for manpower development has become obvious both in the private and the public sectors. Many organizations have come to recognize that manpower development offers a way of “developing skills, enhancing productivity and quality of work and building worker loyalty to the firm” (White, 2009). Indeed the importance of manpower development has become more glaring given the growing complexity of the work environment, the rapid changes in organization and technological advancement which further necessitate the need for training and development of personnel to meet the challenges.
Training and development, according to Lassa (2005), happens to be the core of manpower development in organizations. They help to ensure that organizational members possess the knowledge and skills needed to perform their jobs effectively take on new responsibilities and adapt to changing conditions (Jones, George and Hill, 2000). Training “helps improve quality, customer satisfaction, productivity, morale, management succession, business development and profitability” (Olu, 2008). Elaborating further on the importance of manpower development (MD) the International Labour Office (Ilo, 2000) affirms that development and training improves the trainees, prospects of finding and retaining a job, improves their performance at work, their income earning capacity, their living standards, and further widens their career choices and opportunities.
Lassa (2005) at the macro level noted that manpower development and management are issues of primary concern and interest to every nation of the world. In support of the above, Agbato (2003) argued that in a developing country such as Nigeria, human resources development and management is critically central to any form of socio-economic and techno-scientific advancement. Agbato further stressed that Nigeria cannot claim to have developed enough manpower to service her various sectors of the economy and field of endeavour yet the issues of labour relations, manpower retention, job satisfaction and morale have been become national problems.
Hallstain (2005) recognizes the importance of a well-trained labour force in an organization. Administrative staff development programmes in an organization is concerned with recognizing and providing those areas of skill, knowledge, behaviour and attitude needed by the individual administrator that he may perform his work more effectively and efficiently to achieve the desired result. The desired result could be to correct deficiencies of the poorly trained administrative staff, to help the less experience administrative staff that have just picked up the job, to keep administrators abreast of educational and social development and to stimulate professional growth. It is only when the manpower is adequately qualified for the jobs to be performed that the resources input can effectively be deployed and utilized in the most optimal manner. Johnson (2001) laments that the organization itself is constantly in a state of flux, either growing or dying. It is either expanding or shrinking in its particular market place, and changes pace and direction due to the impact of an ever changing environment. He argued that the new products, new processes, new material and new services, new uses for old products, processes and services, and expansion of technology, the activities of competitors, the influences of regulations and other controls-all these and other factors combine to help or hinder an organization’s ability to survive and grow. Although Johnson was writing about USA in 1976, he perfectly could have anticipated the Nigerian business environment and educational sector in the 1980s for the tertiary institutions are in constant flux ever-changing, with both willing and unwilling employees and that administrative staff have to be trained and retrained on a regular basis since Nigeria needs literate and productive manpower to develop her tremendous natural resources. It is only through sound education delivered by teachers that such manpower would be developed. Ejiogu, (2001) remarks that people have to feel good in their jobs, and also have a genuine sense of learning, growing and developing as persons in the process of making their organizational contributions.
Significantly, emphasis has been laid on the need for training and development in tertiary institutions. For instance, Olu (2008) remarked that the complex nature of institution of higher learning exemplified by diverse human needs and behaviour make it the more reason why administrators should be constantly empowered through training on how to address the various emerging issues. So far, this has not been fully realized as a result of the following identified constraining factors.
That staff were meant to initiate training and development pursuit, and when they did this, management of tertiary institutions do not take it seriously, also that when administrative staff of tertiary institutions in Delta State apply for training and development programmes, management of the institutions subjected this application to rigorous criticism by various management level for comments and as such it takes a....
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