The evolution of co-operation and of co-operatives society is an area of interest to a related body of knowledge. The monopolistic and monopolistic elements in these markets which work to the disadvantage of the small producer and consumers and the price correcting influences, the effect of enlarging competition which co-operatives can bring to bear on this situation has made it imperative for the establishment of an effective machinery like the co-operative for sustainable development.
The project is embedded with stature review i.e. the loans policy, the purpose of loan, conditions governing loans, the application for loans, granting of loans to another society and non member, the maximum credit limit , interest on loan, bonds and sureties and the duties of the sureties, the recall of loan , the outside borrower, the procedure for loan disbursement, appropriation of debt payment loan management special or additional loans. The causes of over – due loans e.t.c .
REFERENCES: MASLENNIKOU V. (1983): The co-operative movement Asia, African progress publisher Moscow.
ODEBANJO M.O: Co-operative guide for trade unions the African labor center New York.
OKAFOR .C. (1979): Co-operative societies in Nigeria.
Journal of co-operative studies
In this chapter it will emphasizes on research methodology, it will talk on population the instrumentation data collection techniques and personal interview, data presentation and interpretation with observation based on the case study
GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION: Ibarapa east local Government staff C.I.C.S:
These include statistical presentation of data findings (of CASE STUDY MEMBERS) i.e. sex and classification, year of experience, marital status, Academic Qualification, sex distribution of respondents and Age and cross analysis of finding.
In conclusion: These include summery, conclusion and recommendations. Co-operative society is not a profit making society, therefore in the rural credit society; all surplus finds made were ploughed back into the reserve fund.
The loan can be managed by planning, co-ordination and controlling the member investment in co-operative to ensure that loan is met for this to be effective, loan policy should be formulated and adhere to strictly.
Misappropriation of societal funds by elected officials is very rampant in Nigerian Co-operative societies formulation and communication of good policy in our credit society will ensure effective management of resources and remove unnecessary biases from the minds of the members.
Title page
Table of content
1.0 Introduction
1.1 The principles of Co-operation among Co-operatives
1.2 Source of funds for Co-operatives Societies
1.3 Definition of Co-operatives societies
1.4 Purpose of the study
1.5 Statement of the problem
1.6 Objective of the study
1.7 Research methodology
1.8 Scope of the study
1.9 Limitation
1.10 Historical background of the case study
1.11 Definition of terms.
2.0 Literature review
2.1 Loan policy
2.2 The purpose of loan
2.3 Condition government loans
2.4 The application of loans
2.5 Granting of loan to another society and non members
2.6 The maximum credit limit
2.7 Interest on loan
2.8 Bonds and sureties and the duties of the sureties
2.9 The recall of loan
2.10 The outside borrowers
2.11 The procedure for loan disbursement
2.12 Appropriation of debt payment
2.13 Loan management
2.14 Cash budgeting
2.15 Credit committee
2.16 Supervisory committee
2.17 Additional or special loans
2.18 The causes of over-due loans
3.0 Research methodology
3.1 The population and method of sample selection
3.2 Sampling of plan
3.3 Instrument of data collection
3.3.1 Questionnaire
3.3.2 Direct and personal interview
3.3.3 Secondary data
3.4 Data presentation and interpretation
4.0 Statistical presentation of data
4.1 Cross analysis of finds
5.0 Summary, conclusion and Recommendations.
5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation
Research questionnaire
The co-operative society is a potent wheel for the transformation of the social and economic life of human being is no longer a contestable fact.
Since the experiment of the Rockdale equitable pioneers society in 1844 has proved successful, the co-operative movement has became a sector to be reckoned with all over the world continues, particularly less developed countries (LDC) that fail to recognize and appreciate its efficacy and potency in effecting positive social and potency in effecting positive social and economic development are doing so at their own peril. The reason for the assertion is that in such countries there is a preponderance of the poor and economically disadvantages among the populace coupled with noticeable defeats in the various markets.
The monopolistic elements in these marketswith work to the disadvantages of the small producers and consumer and the price correcting influence. The effect of enlarging competition which co-operatives can bring to bear on this situation has made its imperatives for the establishment of an effective machinery like the co-operative societies for sustainable development.
However , the word “co-operative” come from the word “co-operative” The oxford Advanced learner dictionary defines co-operation as “The spirit of working together or acting together for a common purpose”. The evolution of co-operation and of co-operative society is an area of interest to a related body of knowledge: the definition given above flows a logical dedication element must be present before co-operation is said to exist.
- It is an association lf more than one person
- There is willingness or voluntaries of memberships.
- Interaction towards a common cause. From these three , we may define co-operative societies as an association of people has as its object the promotion of the economic interest of member and in accordance with co-operative principles.
There goal must not be for profit making.
The features of co-operative society are following listed bellow:
A. Objective is not for-profit making: Infects, the Rockdale principle upon which co-operate is predicated forbids profits as motive . At best, co-operative society makes surplus, which is apportioned in line with its enabling lanes.
B. Membership is voluntary and opened to individuals with common interest. Minimum is two, maximum is at societies discretion.
C. Equal opportunity to participate in management through democratic process.
D. Co-operative capital is raised by members. Her qualify for one vote in the decision making process.
The principles that is of significant relevance to this paper is co-operation among co-operative. This principles is emphasizing interaction among various co-operative societies if co-operative organization would have to co-operate to render optimum services to their members and immediate communities they operate actively practical way with other co-operative local , national and international levels. The international co-operative alliance (ICA), which is the apex body that represents all forms of co-operatives at international for is therefore an embodiment of this principles.
The human urge for social acceptance is in mate and intrinsic there something in human natural that is natural which propels the human mind to desire social acceptance and recognitions. The desire for social international and there fore is part and parcel of naturalness both in human psychology and physical nature. A human mind with social vacuum is said to be desolate.
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